pondělí 22. června 2009

Digitální revoluce - Seminář prof. Ebrahimiho

Seminář prof. Ebrahimiho 25.06.2009 10:00 ČVUT - FEL


Prof. Touradj Ebrahimi -Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland

1. Brain – Computer Interface
2. Quality of Experience in Multimedia Communications

The Multimedia Signal Processing Group is headed by Prof. Touradj Ebrahimi from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland.The group is active in research and teaching in the field of multimedia signal processing. Research topics span over three highly interconnected disciplines of multimedia signal processing, namely multimedia coding, multimodal processing, analysis and interpretation, and media security. Multimedia coding includes still image, video and 3D model compression.

Progress in microelectronics, communications, and signal processing has produced a tremendous change in the way people send and receive information. The digital revolution we have been witnessing during the last two decades, has accelerated the rate of change.
Several scenarios and technologies have been announced as next generation(s) of the good old TV as we have known it, including IPTV, Mobile TV, and Internet TV. This seminar will discuss the evolution of multimedia communication in the last two decades, and will explore the future of TV in this new world of Multimedia Communication, and challenges facing us to make them happen.

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